Make porn Affiliation (Bongacash) site and Get 8000€ of Passive Income per month From your house

How to get rich with porn Affiliation 


One of the solutions to earn easy money is to create a porn site.

If the operation may seem complicated in reality, it is very simple.

For novices of the HTML language, I would recommend two techniques:

1/ The first is what is called white label.

That is to say a site entirely made by another.

Your job is to buy a domain name and affiliate yourself with a platform that offers white labels. You link your domain name to the white label site of your choice and the job is done. Then you will share the earnings with the affiliate platform.

2/ The second technique is the creation of a porn blog.

There are several free blogging platforms. The best known are blogspot, wordpress and overblog.

Once the blog is created, you join a porn advertising platform.

You will be able to find on the platform videos, chats, webcams and all kinds of advertising banners.

Then, you just need to put videos on your blog as well as advertisements. All of this is free and will earn you money in proportion to the traffic to your blog. 

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